Monday, May 25, 2020

Measuring PHP Execution Time

$mt = microtime(TRUE);
foreach($y as $k => $v) {$z->$k = $v;}
$a = microtime(TRUE) - $mt;

print "Execution Time: " . ($a) . "\n";

Friday, February 14, 2020

Are PHP Objects passed as a value?

Yes they are, but as a copy of a value of a reference. Same as in Java.

Example below is showing how the Person type arguments are passed. In the point of entry of the methods changeName() and changeNameToNull(), $person reference copy is made.

From that point, a new reference can change the $person object in changeName(), as it has a reference to it. On the other hand, changeNameToNull() shows it is a copy of a reference, as setting to NULL value just destroys the copied reference, but not the $person object, thus original reference also.


class Person
    public $name = 'Mike';

class Change
    public function changeName(Person $person): void
        $person->name = 'Jack';


    public function setPersonToNull(Person $person): void
        $person = null;


//set person to NULL

$person1 = new Person();
(new Change())->setPersonToNull($person1);

//change name to Jack

$person2 = new Person();
(new Change())->changeName($person2);


object(Person)#1 (1) {
  string(4) "Mike"
object(Person)#2 (1) {
  string(4) "Jack"

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

PHP Foreach Key by Pointer

Here is a way to add a new elements to a new array in PHP foreach function, by reference on a new element.

$items = Item::get();
$formattedItems = [];

foreach ($items as $item) {
    $fm = &$formattedItems[];
    $fm['id'] = $item->id;
    $fm['label'] = $item->label;
    $fm['icon'] = $item->icon;


Simple and clean.

Get Service Instance Anywhere in Laravel

Inject Service Instance by Constructor

Code Example:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class MyController extends Controller
    protected $client;

    public function __construct(Client $client)
        $this->client = $client;

    public function store(Request $request)
        $response = $this->client->message()->send([
            'text' => $request->input('text'),

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

PHP - remove all except letters, numbers, dashes and blanks

PHP - remove all except letters, numbers, dashes and blanks for various cases, like cleaning user input for DB storage, further execution and making it safe.

It's very easy to remove special characters.

$search = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9  -]/', '', $search);

Also, if you would like to check if search string contains some characters, it's like this:

 if (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]/', $search)) {
 echo 'invalid';
} else {
 echo 'valid';

Or in opposite case, to chech only for special characters:

preg_match('/[$&+,:;=?@#|\<>^*()%!]/', $userInput)

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Image Meta Data&EXIF Removal

Image meta data can contain some information which image uploader wouldn't like to share with broad audience. Luckily, there is a great tool which strips all meta data and EXIF data. It works with JPG and PNG image formats.

There are a lot of tools claiming to clean meta data from image, but this one called 
JPEG & PNG Stripper works just awesome! It provides super easy and efficient meta removal.

Need bulk image cleaning? It's a piece of cake with this software. Just select your images and drag&drop in the application window. Plus, you'll get old school software feeling, back in a days when software did it's purpose, nothing more or less.

JPEG & PNG Stripper link

Friday, December 7, 2012

Lee Scratch Perry movie - Vision of paradise

Well, this isn't Lee's movie, it's about the Lee Scratch Perry! Volker Schaner, a German guy is making the movie about Lee's life for last 13 years! Right now the project came to the final phase, where it should be done some final editing  which costs minimum $40.000 $20.000.

The movie can be seen as a guide for how to change the world with music – with a positive attitude, mindset or as Lee Perry calls it: “vibration”.
The interview on this project

I you like Lee's work , you can support this project. If you wish to donate, you can do it on this lee perry movie link.
If you don't know about Lee Perry, it's time to find him out. As he is a living legend, a great MAN, a great musician and a world's peace-fighter, Lee is surely human race avant-garde  in every and each way.

update :

There is a new kickstarter page for this project: Lee Scratch Perrys - Vision of paradise

Facebook page: leescratchperrys.visionofparadise

Official website :